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Why PropFTX is the Go-To Platform for Young Investors: Ease, Accessibility, and High Returns!

PropFTX Blog: Why PropFTX is the Go-To Platform for Young Investors: Ease, Accessibility, and High Returns!

PropFTX’s fractional real estate offerings resonate with Millennials’ desire for flexibility and liquidity in their investments. By allowing investments in small increments and facilitating easy liquidation, the platform caters to the dynamic lifestyle and financial preferences of this demographic. Additionally, co-owning prestigious properties in prime locations appeals to Millennials’ penchant for experiences and status, driving their participation in the real estate market through PropFTX. When you think of a typical real estate investor, you might picture a 50-something man in a suit with a briefcase full of cash and a hefty bank balance. You certainly wouldn’t envision a young professional in their 30s, dressed in jeans and a tee, working at a tech start up. But it’s time to change that perception! The winds of change are blowing, and a new generation is taking the helm—young investors, just like you! The Netflix-watching, smartphone-obsessed Millennials and Gen Z individuals who are tech-savvy and eager for innovative investment opportunities. But how do they do it? They turn to a reliable, digitally adept platform like PropFTX. PropFTX And Millennials With its focus on fractional real estate targeted at Millennial investors, PropFTX is democratizing real estate investment, offering ease, accessibility, and high returns to the digitally active generation. If you’re a young investor looking for an easy, accessible investment platform with high returns, look no further. With just a few clicks on your laptop or smartphone, you can explore a plethora of real estate opportunities at your fingertips. PropFTX’s intuitive interface guides you through the investment process, eliminating the jargon and complexities of traditional real estate transactions. It’s no surprise that Millennials, often dubbed the “renter generation” due to modest salaries and sky-high property prices, are embracing fractional real estate platforms like PropFTX. Millennials and Gen Z are making—or should I say clicking—their way into the real estate market through fractional ownership. According to statistics, a significant portion of Millennials view real estate as a key component of their investment strategy, with a growing interest in alternative models such as fractional ownership. Fractional real estate investing allows you to diversify your portfolio without tying up substantial capital in a single property. PropFTX offers a fractional real estate platform tailored for Millennials and Gen Z. Fractional ownership lets you own a fraction of high-value properties, reducing the financial barrier to entry. By pooling resources with like-minded investors, you can access premium real estate assets that would otherwise be out of reach. Starting with PropFTX is ridiculously easy. Say goodbye to drowning in paperwork and getting stuck in legal jargon. With PropFTX, all you need is your smartphone or laptop, a decent Wi-Fi connection, and a sprinkle of ambition. Seriously, it’s as easy as ordering a pizza online—but way more profitable. Here are three top reasons why PropFTX is an easy and accessible investment option and the go-to choice for young investors: Ease Like Sunday Morning: No more headaches over complicated paperwork or confusing terms. With just a few clicks, you’re on your way to owning a piece of the property pie. Accessibility for All: Own a slice of that dream property without selling your soul to the bank. 70% of PropFTX investors are first-timers—talk about breaking down barriers! High-Five for High Returns: PropFTX delivers impressive returns. According to recent data, PropFTX investors see an average ROI of 10%. No more scratching your head over complex investment terms or feeling intimidated by the big players. With PropFTX, you’re the boss of your own financial destiny. The platform’s user-friendly interface is like a gentle breeze on a hot summer day—refreshing and oh-so-easy to navigate. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or a newbie dipping your toes into the real estate pool for the first time, PropFTX holds your hand every step of the way. PropFTX’s curated portfolio features properties with strong growth prospects in burgeoning markets across India. Whether it’s upscale residential complexes in metropolitan cities or commercial spaces in emerging business hubs, the platform empowers young investors to participate in the wealth creation potential of real estate. Check out our listed properties. Click here As Gen Z comes of age, their investment preferences are shaping the financial landscape. Unlike their predecessors, Gen Z investors are characterized by digital fluency and an entrepreneurial mindset. PropFTX caters to these preferences by offering a seamless digital experience coupled with innovative investment products. Gen Z investors, known for their affinity towards alternative assets and disruptive technologies, are increasingly drawn to PropFTX’s fractional real estate offerings to diversify their portfolios and capitalize on emerging trends. The platform prioritizes eco-friendly and socially responsible projects, providing young investors with an opportunity to make a positive difference while generating attractive returns. So there you have it! PropFTX is not just another platform—it’s your ticket to the big leagues of real estate investing. With its simple interface, accessible fractional ownership model, and promise of high returns, PropFTX is the go-to choice for young investors ready to make serious money moves. What are you waiting for? Grab your smartphone, head over to PropFTX, and let’s get this party started! The real estate market is calling, and it’s time for us to answer with a resounding “Cha-ching!” Subscribe to our Blog for the Latest News on how best to optimise not just your time, but investments too. Check out our previous blogs. Click here About the Author: Avanne Dubash, Consultant Anchor at ET NOW, holds over 15+ years of experience as a Prime Time Business News Anchor with ET Now. Renowned for hosting major events like The India Economic Conclave, she conducts insightful interviews with top market voices on ‘The Market & First Trades’ and engages with industry leaders on ‘Startup Central,’ alongside contributing her perspectives across various platforms. 

From Renting to Owning: The Advantages of Fractional Real Estate for Millennials

From Renting To Owning: The Advantages of Fractional Real Estate for Millenials

Imagine this: you’re 29 years old, living in a metro city- Your typical day involves a quick run in the morning, getting into the office since you’re not WFH that day, ordering a takeaway lunch—maybe a salad and sandwich—hanging with your ‘crew’ in the evening at a café, quick dinner, scrolling Instagram before bed (for longer than you admit), and getting off to bed by midnight! Now, as a millennial, as you navigate the hustle and bustle of urban life in the crowded metropolis, the dream of owning a piece of real estate has often felt like a distant star in a crowded sky.  So, would the idea of owning a home ever occur to you? I don’t think so! That could never be you—you’re making a decent sum from work and your side gig, for sure—but owning a property—nah! That’s ”adulting”—something your 50 year old parents would do, right? The very thought of owning a home is just a far-off dream. What with the sky-high property prices, hefty down payments, and the burden of long-term mortgages- it’s all too much for you and your lifestyle! But what if I told you there’s a new avenue emerging, one that’s reshaping the landscape of real estate ownership for people like you—the millennials? Enter fractional real estate—a game-changer that’s turning the dream of owning property from a distant fantasy into a tangible reality. That’s cool! Right? Gone are the days when the only option was to either rent or plunge headfirst into the deep waters of traditional real estate ownership. Fractional real estate is the innovative solution that’s bridging the gap between renting and owning, offering millennials, like you – a slice of the property pie without breaking the bank or tying yourself down to a single location. Say what!? Fractional Real Estate: What’s That? So listen up! What exactly is fractional real estate, you ask? Think of it as the Airbnb of property ownership, but with a long-term investment angle. Instead of buying an entire property, pool your resources with other like-minded individuals to purchase a share of high-value properties, such as apartments, villas, or commercial spaces. This shared ownership model opens doors to properties that would otherwise be out of reach for you. So you can now invest in prime locations and premium amenities without the hefty price tag. Groovy, isn’t it? Now, one of the biggest advantages of fractional real estate is the flexibility it offers. Unlike traditional real estate, where you’re locked into one property for years on end, fractional ownership allows you to diversify our investment portfolio across multiple properties and locations. From the trendy high rise you’ve been eyeing to the cool condo you pass on your way to work, the possibilities are endless. The amazing thing is that the flexibility not only caters to your ever-changing lifestyle but also provides a safety net against market fluctuations, especially given the unpredictable economic climate. But it’s not just about financial flexibility; fractional real estate also unlocks a world of realistic benefits. Imagine co-owning a luxurious beachfront villa in Alibaug with friends, where every weekend feels like a mini-vacation. Or investing in a commercial space in the heart of the city, watching as your property becomes a bustling hub of entrepreneurial activity. These shared experiences add an extra layer of fulfilment to the investment journey, transforming it from a mere financial transaction into a lifelong adventure. Affordability: Millennial’s New Friend Of course, no discussion of real estate would be complete without addressing the elephant in the room: affordability. For millennials like you- grappling with loans, rising living costs, and stagnant wages, the prospect of saving up for a traditional down payment can feel like an uphill battle. But that’s where Fractional real estate offers a more accessible entry point, allowing you to invest smaller sums of money upfront while still reaping the rewards of property ownership. It’s a win-win situation that democratizes the real estate market and empowers a new generation of investors. But don’t just take my word for it—let’s delve into some statistics to paint a clearer picture of the growing trend of fractional real estate in India. According to recent data, the market for fractional ownership is projected to reach unprecedented heights in the coming years, with an estimated CAGR of over 30%. This exponential growth is driven by a combination of factors, including increasing urbanization, changing consumer preferences, and technological advancements that make fractional investing more accessible than ever before. What’s more- a survey conducted among millennials across major Indian cities revealed that over 70% expressed interest in exploring fractional real estate as an investment option. The allure of shared ownership, coupled with the promise of higher returns and lower financial barriers, has struck a chord with a generation that values experiences over possessions and seeks innovative solutions to age-old challenges.     Concluding Thoughts In my own journey towards real estate ownership, fractional investing has emerged as a beacon of hope—a tangible pathway towards building wealth and securing my financial future. It’s not just about owning bricks and mortar; it’s about embracing a new mind-set, one that prioritizes flexibility, collaboration, and innovation. With fractional real estate, the dream of home ownership is no longer a distant mirage but a tangible reality within reach. Fractional real estate represents a paradigm shift in the way you can approach property ownership in India. By offering a middle ground between renting and traditional ownership, fractional investing empowers us to unlock the doors to prime properties, diversify our investment portfolios, and forge lifelong memories along the way. So, if you’re a millennial and have dreams of owning real estate, take heart—your journey begins here, with fractional real estate leading the way to a brighter, more inclusive future. Subscribe to PropFTX‘s Blog for the Latest News on how best to optimise not just your time but your investments too.   About the Author: Avanne Dubash, Consultant Anchor at ET NOW, holds over 15+ years of experience as a Prime

Fractional Investing Made Simple | Investment In Real Estate

Fractional Investing Explained

Introduction Fractional investing is an investment strategy where an investor, let’s say you, purchases a share of an asset thereby taking fractional ownership of the asset along with any potential income generated from it.  Now, your Google search obviously indicated that you want to know in-depth about it, and in-depth we will in this article.  Let’s start with a user journey:  Say you woke up one day and decided that enough was enough! After all, how long would you just keep yourself limited to investing in FDs, Corporate bonds, or even mutual funds for that matter? It’s time to play big, right? Playing in the big leagues, in investment terms, generally refers to high-value assets such as commercial real estate, stock market, and private equities. These are highly rewarding options. Investing in the stock market after careful analysis and market research can generate returns beyond limits. As for real estate, there’s mostly always an upward trajectory with capital appreciation and rental income.  Since they’re high-value assets, there’s also a higher entry barrier for the capital required for investment. While, the average minimum capital required to invest in residential property ranges anywhere between Rs. 50-70 lakh, investing in commercial real estate is typically beyond the reach of a retail investor, generally valued at 25-30 crores. (Source: The Financial Express) So, is there no way we can invest in these high-value assets and diversify our portfolio to take a shot at higher returns?  And that’s where fractional investment aka fractional ownership comes into play. In the ever-evolving investment domain, fractionalization has emerged as a game changer, especially in real estate. This new investment approach opens up access to markets previously only available to the wealthy, opening the way to a wider audience. Read on to understand everything about fractional investment before you consider and approach this revolutionary investment strategy with confidence.  What Exactly is Fractional Investing? Fractional investing enables investors to buy a portion, or “fraction,” of a high-value asset, such as commercial real estate or an apartment, to reduce the need for capital expenses.  Let’s take one more analogy, shall we?  Imagine you and a group of friends spot a beautiful artwork valued substantially more than any of you could afford individually. However, by pooling your resources, each of you can own a part of this artwork. This is the essence of fractional investing: collective ownership that allows for shared benefits and risks. Fractional ownership refers to sharing ownership of the asset with other investors. Think of it as a pie divided into several slices, each representing a share of the asset. How does Fractional Ownership in Real Estate work?  Fractionally investing in real estate involves purchasing a share of a property’s equity. This share grants rights proportional (pro-rata) to your investment size, including potential income from rent and appreciation in property value.  It’s facilitated by platforms that divide property rights into smaller, purchasable units aka tokens, making real estate investment accessible without buying an entire property outright.  The platforms allow you to choose an investment property from a curated list. Once you decide on a property, you invest a fraction of the property’s value. As the property generates income through rent or increases in value, so does your share value. Now, let’s go through the key terms and jargon to understand the nitty-gritty of it, and develop a broader point of view:  Fractional Ownership Glossary: Let’s take a simplified case study to understand all the terms you need to know:  The Scenario: A group of investors aims to buy Pine Tree Plaza, a $10 million commercial space with shops and offices. The high price makes it tough for one person to buy, so they opt for a shared approach to make it easier for everyone to invest. Sharing Ownership Each investor buys a piece of the plaza. If someone puts in $1 million, they own 10% of it. This share, or equity, grows if the plaza’s value goes up or it earns more rent, giving them a slice of the profits. Making It Easier to Sell Suppose, one of the investors wants to exit the investment and convert their share into cash. The ease with which they can sell their share and turn it into cash reflects the liquidity of their investment. In traditional real estate transactions, liquidity is low, but tokenization drastically improves it. Simplifying with Digital Tokens Verified platforms such as PropFTX create digital tokens that represent small shares of the plaza, making it possible to invest with even less money. These tokens can be traded online like stocks, making it easier to invest or pull out money anytime. So, here we have:  Equity: It’s the value of an investor’s stake in an asset. Simply put, it entitles the investors to a fraction of the property’s value. Let’s say you have a 10% equity in an asset that is worth INR 50 lakhs at present, you’d get a return of INR 5 lakhs should you plan to sell it.  Liquidity: It generally refers to how easily you can buy or sell an asset in the secondary market, it’s the degree of ease. Liquidity is a significant factor in all types of investments.  Tokenization: In this context, it refers to converting an asset’s rights into digital tokens on a blockchain. (Learn more about how real estate tokenization works here.) How is it Different from REITs and Direct Ownership? Feature Fractional Investment REIT Direct Ownership Ownership Partial in specific properties Shares in a company owning multiple properties Full ownership of a single property Investment Size Relatively small, flexible Variable, subject to market value of shares Significant, involves entire property value Control and Decision Making Limited, managed by platform None, managed by REIT managers Complete control Income and Returns Dependent on property performance Dividends from profits of the REIT portfolio Rental income and property value appreciation Fractional Ownership vs REIT vs Direct Ownership Fractional Investing Benefits Pros: Better Accessibility: A lower entry barrier due to shared ownership makes it a more